Category: Articles & Interviews
25-year publishing dream comes true for Hill sisters
25-year publishing dream comes true for Hill sisters Sisters Abby Pete, of Chestnut Hill (left), and Leslie Pontz, of Mt. Airy, proudly hold up their book, “Harvey the Hippo: A Tale of Good Food Choices,” which was released last month by a traditional publishing company. […]
Textile Center of Minnesota & Leslie Pontz
An interview: Leslie Pontz discussing her sculptural crochet pieces, the meeting of art and craft and the story of her work.
Fiber Art Today by Carol K. Russell
Leslie Pontz is pleased to be included in this thoughtful survey of fiber sculpture and wall art portrayed in 335 vibrant images and insightful text.
Collaboration Linking Metal and Clay
by Jennifer Zarro Art Matters April 2008 A wonderful collaborative exhibition of fiber and clay is taking place at the Crane Arts Building in conjunction with the city-wide 2008 Fiber Philadelphia International celebration. Clay artist Ruth Borgenicht and fiber sculptor Leslie Pontz have created innovative […]